Club Meetings Restarted
After a longer than usual Winter Break, Club members will be returning to the newly decorated premises at St. Lukes Parish Centre, Stone Cross on Tuesday afternoon 7th March at 2:oo p.m..
The decision to change from our customary Wednesday evenings will make it possible for those who prefer not to drive after dark to continue attending. We hope it will enable others who would like to come and find out more about what happens when we meet, to chat with some of us and hear about what we moviemakers do, and watch some films with us.
We are a small but friendly group of people, and will always welcome anyone, particularly those with an interest in making or watching films made by keen anateur moviemakers. We always find time for a Cup of tea and a biscuit. Come and spend an hour or so with us at no initial cost except you time.
Car parkingis in the Church Grounds off Rattle Road, Stone Cross. BN25 4SL For more information call 01323769016
Our meeting dates and programme are printed here for 2023
15 August Music and Film A talk with illustrative details of music with film.
Also other films and from our archive
If you would like to know more just come along
to one of our meetings
You will be most welcome
Last Updated August 2023